
The menges group presents itself


Customer, supplier or colleague - people lie at the core of our business. This demand for quality is the foundation for our growth. Every individual consulting and dialogue "from person to person" even in times of advancing digitalization has a high priority. This way we create profitable, long lasting partnerships, innovative projects, that are sustainable.


Good customer relations have a high significance at the menges group. A support from person to person, personal and distinct, forms the centre of our actions. The base for good relations – whether to customers, suppliers or colleagues – is always established by mutual appreciation of personality and competence. Staff motivation through goals and responsibility is the best premise for a qualified consultation and a committed service. This is the only way to develop and grow profitable partnerships. We, the Menges family, avouch this with our name, in every relation.


As a distributor for electronical parts, it is our duty to deliver the parts you need timely and for fair prices. Innovative product lines and efficient partners form the portfolio of the menges group. A clever purchasing management guarantees flexibility, best quality and the greatest possible product variety. Due to our full-service, we are able to deliver a multitude of products from one source. Thereby we are able to help you minimize your costs and stay competitive at the same time.

Our service – Your gain:

Customised solutions - from customised product development, through intelligent C-parts management, to a logistics tailored to the customer. On request, we work out system solutions tailored to you. learn more

  • Customised logistics systems
  • Manufacture of customized products
  • Technical Service (Testing, Tape + Reel)
  • purchasing of products which are obsolete and difficult to get
  • optimisation of purchase through full-service
  • C-part management
  • low shipment, booking and follow-up costs due to date and delivery optimisation
  • Purchasing of discontinued and hard to get elements
  • Purchasing optimization through full-service
  • a personal contact person
  • low shipping-, booking and follow up costs through deadline- and delivery optimization


The straight dialogue from person to person is the best connection to the customer. Our experienced sales team is at your disposal at all times. The satisfaction and loyalty of our customers as well as flexibility and a well-balanced price-performance ratio is always most important to us. Due to constant product trainings by our partners, our sales team always stays up-to-date and is able to react to shifts of the market immediately. The menges group is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001 and DIN EN ISO 14001. Contact us, we would be pleased to help and convince you of our services – try us!

ISO - Certification

    DIN EN ISO 9001 : 2015
    DIN EN ISO 14001 : 2015
    battery recycling system
    DIN EN ISO 9001 : 2015
    DIN EN ISO 14001 : 2015

We are a member of the FBDI

MEMBERS OF menges group

menges electronic Logo

The menges electronic gmbh was founded in Dortmund in April 1990 by Mrs. Ingrid Menges and Mr. Erich Menges. After several relocations, due to constant growth, the head office was relocated to Dortmund-Huckarde in 2001, where ca. 1000 square metres for offices and a storage area are available. The menges electronic gmbh is a distributor for active, passive and electromechanical parts.

menges powertec Logo

The menges powertec gmbh was hived off the menges electronic gmbh in July 2001. It completes the portfolio of the menges group as a specialised distributor for accumulators, batteries, flashlights, charging technology and power supply.

menges systems Logo

The menges systems provides technical support for the menges electronic gmbh and menges powertec gmbh. As a specialized company for technical matters, efficient it solutions are developed and implemented.

„For us, distribution and service means the combination of our portfolio with an extensive flexible purchasing policy and an individual logistic according to the needs of our customers.“

Sebastian Menges
general manager menges gmbh

„Flexibility is the basis for a good relationship.“

Wolfgang Menges
general manager menges powertec gmbh

„Our personal dedication applies to the satisfaction of our clients. A good connection to our customers is very important to us“

Erich Menges
founder menges group


Foundation of the menges electronic gmbh
New building office incl. 1.000 sqm logistics
Foundation of the menges powertec gmbh
Integration of menges components gmbh into menges electronic gmbh

Customised solutions with optimised processes the maximum success for your company

From customer-specific product development, through intelligent C-part management, to customer-specific logistics. We help you to optimize your processes and save costs.learn more

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